Frugal Christmas – Our Story

Frugal Seeds Christmas Edition paperback cover

Throughout our years together, Mr. SF and I have lived a rather frugal life. But once we were blessed with children we had to learn how to make our money stretch even further.

We had all the regular bills, housing, utilities, food, transportation and on top of all of that lots of medical bills, so when it came to Christmas, I had to be creative. I wanted to make sure we focused on the true meaning of the season in a very budget friendly way.

Now that my kids are older, Christmas looks a bit different, but we still enjoy many of the ways that I wrote about in my book, Frugal Seeds Christmas Edition, 101 Ways to Celebrate the Holiday Season on a Budget.

You can buy it on Amazon or read it FREE with Kindle Unlimited.

10 Reasons You Need to Set-up a Pantry

I started writing this blog post way before covid19 became a household word. Why did I start writing it?  Because this is a subject near and dear to my heart.  I truly believe that having what we call a “deep pantry” is one of the things that helped us win with money.  Just like having an emergency fund set aside in case of a true need, a pantry helps provide stability and peace of mind in case of an emergency.

First, let me start out by listing the top 10 reasons we believe that having a pantry is so darn important.

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February’s FREE Financial Reading

This month is our Frugal February and we are on a mission to spend as little money as possible this month. This got me thinking of free things we could do and reading was one of my first thoughts. Since we are trying to spend so little, I didn’t want to even drive to the library to search for some good reads. This encouraged me to search for finance and success focused books that are free to read on the internet. I was shocked at all of the great reading I found and wanted to share it all with you!

If there is a book that you have read that encouraged you in your financial walk and is free to read on the internet, please leave a comment below, we would LOVE to share it.

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