All the Ways We Saved Money in July!

As I mentioned last month, summertime is a difficult time for our family to save money, as I am sure it is for most families with children. We had all our kids home which was absolutely amazing but it does increase our grocery bill, and with all of them working, it requires a lot of time and money to transport 2 of them back and forth to work. In addition, we are all seeing higher prices not only in the grocery stores but also at the pump making life a bit more expensive for all of us.

Again, this month, I made sure that every time I left the house I ran any errand that happened to be on the way. I also let the kids that were home know each time I left the house and where I was going in case they needed something or wanted to go so they could save their gas by sharing a ride. Once a kid has to pay for their own gas, it’s amazing how quickly they will take you up on a ride. 🙂

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