Over the next seven weeks we are going to be delving into Dave Ramsey’s baby steps and how we tweaked them to work for us. I realize this may ruffle a few feathers as there are many strict adherents to his financial peace protocol, and with good reason. Mr. Ramsey has designed a plan that works for many people, and it was a great starting point for us as we were completely clueless when it came to financial matters.
That said, there are many of us who do not fit into the “average American” bell curve; in fact, our circumstances place us on the fringe of the curve. For our one-income family of six, with multiple chronic illnesses, $1,000 for a starter emergency fund is a complete joke. It is certainly better than nothing, but $1,000 barely covers anything, even if you do have health insurance.
Continue reading “Is Baby Step 1 Too Small?”